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The essence is that, cryptocurrency and blockchain is quite simple and easy to create, acquire, or utilize.

The brains behind it might seem complex, but today we are finding ways to simplify the process and are designing ease-of-use solutions that anyone can press a button and mint a crypto coin. Then why mass adoption of digital currency is at a standstill, you might say. But is it, the fact that you know about it and everyone around you knows about it, means we are gaining traction. Often times the undercurrent is moving rapidly while surface activity appears still.

The lexicon spewing out of die-hard crypto fanatics is so daunting I don't even think they themselves know what they are actually saying. Techy people were the reason we have a whole career track called technical writer, which should really be termed non-technical writer instead. That person's job is to breakdown technical jargon into humanly conceivable information. Or you just end up with statements like this...

The dawn of a new dynasty brings with it a language that can be daunting for seasoned technologists and new-commers alike. The future is bright with new technology that's redefining life as we know it. If I lost you so far that's the intent.

The limitations of the English language, and most Latin-based diagraphs, are such that expression of facts and feelings come up short of their true depth.

Linguists in Arabic or Hebrew might claim that western languages are inferior because there are more than 12 million words in Arabic compared to only one million English words.

On the contrary, I do own one of those 120-piece drill bit sets in a hard plastic case, but I've only used one or two bits, ever. Having a larger tool shed doesn't make me a great handy-gal. So too is having an expansive dictionary hardly makes it easier to convey the right meaning. As I was saying, evident by the daily market cap tracking, cryptos continue on the upswing.

Hundreds of newly minted coins each day, signifies that things in the cryptoverse are progressing faster than you can blink. The exponential increase in the cap rate has never fallen or even remained the same month over month since 2017 when Bitcoin shot up overnight from one thousand to several.

As of September 2021, according to, there were nearly 12,000 individual crypto coins listed on over 400 exchanges. The published market cap ran anywhere from $2 Trillion to $2.2 Trillion. Bitcoin accounts for nearly 42 percent of the market share, but that is expected to decline as popularity of other coins carve out their own niche market over the next short while.

However, Bitcoin will remain dominant forever as all coins are a copy of the bitcoin code to begin with. As Ethereum strengthens in value, other native coins like RavenCoin will rise too. The point here isn't in the value of coin versus coin, the topic is how to make it easier for everyone to follow along and conceptualize how cryptocurrencies are more than currencies or an asset class. Blockchain technology solves problems.

Everybody’s token has a use case, and some coins offer solutions for the entire network. Thumbing through TOKENS Magazine, you'll find yourself growing a sticky thumb, diving into each story with eagerness and renewed interest. You'll wonder why you hadn't thought of that, or thought of it in that way.

From the pages of knowledge downloaded from expert brains, you should find a nugget or two - at least that's my hope for each set of eyes that catches a glimpse of this edition and subsequent renditions of TOKENS Magazine. /by Charlene Brown



Countdown to Bitcoin Block Party in Dallas: Wednesday, January 3, 2024



Tokens Magazine Curating the Cryptocurrency Lexicon
Tokens Magazine Curating the Cryptocurrency Lexicon
Tokens Magazine Curating the Cryptocurrency Lexicon
Tokens Magazine Curating the Cryptocurrency Lexicon
Tokens Magazine Curating the Cryptocurrency Lexicon